Coaching for Confidence

Coaching Programmes for Professional Women

Rina&Cara (89)Voice At The Table coaching gives women the opportunity to do the focused thinking, reflection and planning which underpins professional success.

Our coaches understand and have experienced many of the particular challenges faced by working women. Our approach enables women to build their Confidence, Resilience and Initiative, so that they feel ready and able to take the purposeful action needed to achieve their career goals.


1. In-house Group Career Progression Coaching

Our career progression programme strengthens the ‘soft’ skills and leadership tools of high-potential women, so that they can step up into senior roles. The programme runs over 6-8 months for a small cohort of selected women within a single organisation. We work with you to refine the programme to ensure it is relevant to the needs of your organization and the women working in it.

Typical areas include:
• Career planning, time-line and strategy
• Building a personal brand
• The importance of internal networking
• Confidence and self-belief
• Building resilience, managing emotion
• Influencing and communicating with impact.

2. Individual Coaching

Individual coaching provides an ideal environment for women who wish to explore the specific challenges they are facing in their professional lives and find solutions that meet their particular circumstances. A programme of four to six one-to-one conversations gives the opportunity to consider important issues in the depth they deserve, to develop, try out and review new ways of working, and then commit to personal and professional strategies for success.

Women choose coaching to work through many different issues, including:
• Planning and preparing for promotion
• Achieving a successful first 100 days in a new role
• Stepping up into a position of leadership
• Increasing impact and influence through confident communication
• Coming back stronger after a personal derailment
• Building sustainable and resilient ways of working

3. Maternity Coaching

From the moment a pregnancy is announced to the first few months back at work after maternity leave, it can be a challenging situation for the employee and also their manager.

Our maternity Coaching programme includes one-to-one support for mothers-to-be, for women returning to work after maternity leave and guidance for their line managers, to ensure this potentially difficult time is viewed positively by all parties and navigated smoothly and openly.

In our experience (and this is supported by empirical evidence) women who have a coach whilst they make the transition through pregnancy and becoming a mother are not only more likely to return to work, but do so with confidence, poise and a clear idea of their contribution.

4. Group Coaching Forums

Our group coaching forums bring together small groups of senior corporate women from different industry backgrounds who share similar professional challenges. Each forum focuses on an overarching theme and provides an informal, friendly and safe environment for women to discuss, learn about and resolve their challenges under the guidance of an experienced executive coach.

The forums run in the early evening for two hours at monthly intervals for six months. No more than eight delegates participate in each group, so that everyone can gain maximum benefit.

Themes addressed by our forums include:
• Success strategies for senior professional women
• Positive choices for working mothers
• Finding your route to authentic leadership
• Improving discussion, engagement and decision-making by transforming meetings
• Mentoring the Mentor

For more information please email us.