EDI Journey Stages 1-3

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For Senior Leaders 

Setting your EDI Ambition

Before embarking on long-term, resource intensive changes, it is well worth articulating the final destination. This is the EDI Ambition – the North Star that helps guide all EDI-related activities and planning. A well-considered EDI Ambition is fully supportive of your organisation’s purpose and vision. To help shape this, we work with you in a workshop setting, helping you articulate your organisation’s needs, hopes and ambitions and capture them in one simple and clear statement.

Inclusion Diagnostic

An Inclusion Diagnostic© is a qualitative exercise that helps identify the gaps between where you are and where you want to go. In a series of focus group sessions, we delve into the emotions and perceptions of Inclusion and provide a measurement for the level of Inclusion in your organisation. The Diagnostic identifies common themes and sticky points that stand between where you are now and where you want to get to.

Your EDI Strategy and Action Plan

Once you know where you’re heading and where the gaps are, we can turn your strategy into a plan to reach your EDI Ambition. This is an exercise in identifying priorities, looking at timing, and agreeing on a set of ‘Quick Wins’ that garner support for the impending change. We help you by proposing a set of impactful initiatives that are right for you, identifying objectives and plan the next 12 months with you.

Diversity Data Assessment

If you want to understand the level of Diversity within your organisation, we can help you decide which data to collect, how to best to collect them and help you interpret what the data tells you.

EDI Policy Review

We review your existing EDI policies to ensure they are inclusive and, where needed, help you draft related new policies.

EDI Best Practice Guide

A comprehensive step-by-step guide for EDI implementation, based on collected best practice stories relevant in your industry.

Transforming Cultures in Meetings and Beyond

Introducing a discipline and model to generate the best thinking from colleagues and peers, using the tools of Nancy Kline’s Thinking Environment©

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For EDI/HR Leads 

Diversity Data Assessment

We help you decide which data to collect, how to best to collect them and help you interpret what the data tells you.

EDI Policy Review

We review your existing EDI policies to ensure they are inclusive and, where needed, help you draft related new policies.

EDI Best Practice Guide

A comprehensive step-by-step guide for EDI implementation, based on collected best practice stories relevant in your industry.

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For Hiring Managers and/or Team Leaders 

Understanding the What, Why & How of EDI

Understand exactly what EDI is and why it’s important to the business. The workshop also builds leaders’ confidence to eloquently talk about EDI, address common objections and become a more able influencer of EDI change.

Addressing Common Biases in the Workplace

A workshop that looks at the most common biases in the workplace and asks the question: what can we do to disrupt these patterns?

Unconscious Bias: The Secret Life of The Brain

The story behind Unconscious Bias, how our brain loves patterns and how we can break those patterns to become less biased.

21-Day Bias Busting Challenge

This gamified app-based initiative is designed to reinforce the learning from the workshops, helping build habits and good practice to minimise bias in the workplace.

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For ERGs and Staff Networks 

Strategy for Staff Network Committees

This session includes how to set realistic purpose and goals, how to attract and retain volunteers, show success, ensure feasible budget and resources, engage the right stakeholders and create impact.

Safe Space Conversations

Creating brave and safe spaces for the discussion of challenging topics, using the components of the Thinking Environment©

Speakers and Experts

Our associates are expert in wide variety of topics and are often engaged to provide inspirational talks, lunchtime sessions, milestone events (e.g., IWD/IMD) and webinars. See Keynotes, Training & Webinars.

Committee Strategy Training Day

We help ERG committees to set their network’s strategy and successfully implement it. Covered in this workshop are topics such as how to set realistic purpose and goals, how to attract and retain volunteers, show success, ensure feasible budget and resources, engage the right stakeholders and create impact.

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For Emerging Leaders 

Stepping Stones to Inclusive Behaviours in the Workplace

Stepping Stones to Inclusive Behaviours in the Workplace© is a series of fun, easy and memorable 3-5 minute videos aimed at those near the start of their careers, to help embed and practise how to be inclusive in their working lives. For more information, click here.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Can we get past it please? A talk that explains what imposter syndrome is, where it comes from and shows how to overcome it.

Daily EDI Nudges (30-day programme)

The What? Why? How? of EDI in short daily doses delivered by SMS, with optional additional resources to explore. A perfect introduction to EDI for all staff.

21-Day Bias Busting Challenge

This gamified app-based initiative is designed to reinforce the learning from the workshops, helping build habits and good practice to minimise bias in the workplace.

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Talks and Interventions
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