The Best Advice I Ever Received

By Rina Goldenberg Lynch

August is a quiet month for many of us.  This gives us a chance to spend time with friends and family. It gives us an opportunity to have fun and perhaps to recuperate, to reflect and regroup before things get busy again in September.

To reflect the more relaxed mood, we bring you a slightly different blog, one that will get you into summer’s laid-back flow.

Today we share advice that 8 members of the Voice team had received and heeded over the years.

Are there any here that will help guide you?

Calming Nerves

I was once given this reassuring advice: ‘When delivering a talk or doing any public speaking, don’t feel the need to apologise for being nervous, especially if it’s your first time. Remember that the audience don’t know what you’re going to say anyway, so just speak and it’ll be enough!’


Chasing the Dream

The best advice I have ever been give is, ‘Don’t chase the money; follow what you want to do’.  Leadership opportunities materialise everywhere.  All you have to do is take them and do the best with them.  The money will then come to you more naturally and you will be a happier person for following your purpose.


Impactful Self-Talk

Instead of saying, ‘I can’t, I am not good at that, and besides that’s just not me’, say ‘How can I do it in a way that works for me? How can I learn to do it in a way where I can bring my authentic self and still achieve those results?’.

For instance, instead of saying ‘I am just no good at writing blogs’, reflect on things you are good at and ways you achieve things in life, then draw on those to find a way you can write blogs. This might be by using voice recording, by writing short blog sections, by using images or a line of poetry to inspire you, or by writing 8-12 pieces in one day.

Strategic Choices

One of the best pieces of advice I was given, and one many of you will also have heard, is to pick your battles. This applies both in the workplace and in family life. Decide what’s really important to you, that you really feel is worth the “fight”. If you try and fight every single battle you will exhaust yourself. Sometimes it’s ok to let the little things go, and to make that decision in itself can be a personal victory.

Free Spirits

‘Learn to let go and see what happens’. This is a version of “If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you it will be yours forever, if it doesn’t, it was never yours to begin with”.

The Most Precious Gift

The best advice for life I ever received was from my father, over 30 years ago. He told me ‘In all your relationships – your friendships, romantic relationships and at work – the most important thing is always to try to be kind.’


‘Make sure you appear on your own to-do list, because if you don’t, eventually nothing on the list will get done’. We are often not a priority to ourselves, and this can often lead to burnout. Like putting on the oxygen mask on yourself first, by actively making time for ourselves, we can help to ensure that we can continue completing our never-ending to-do lists.

Inclusion from a Different Perspective

Although it is difficult to capture in English the simplicity and beauty of these words from a haiku poem, it goes something along the lines of, ‘You are you, I am I, still get along’.  If I remember correctly, there is a picture of a Japanese pumpkin (so sweet and nostalgic) and an onion side by side.  The words particularly resonate with me as we all know (especially as EDI consultants) how delicate and important this balance is – to respect yourself as well as other people, whilst finding a connection with others.


I hope you have enjoyed this wide-ranging collection of advice. If you have a favourite piece of advice, please share it with us!